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Try This Way to Overcome Anger

Many of us can not express anger appropriately and hence suffer ourselves (due to self infliction) or repent (due to violence towards the others. Overcoming anger is essential for being fulfilled at hart.


1. Understand that anger is a potent feeling. It results from something that you strongly resent or disagree. This is due to your perception.

2. Understand that anger indicates the activation of autonomic nervous system.

3. Appreciate that anger, if expressed impulsively, inadvertently or erratically then it can be either self destructive or violent to others. 4. The cause of anger and the solution to the factor that caused it have to be studied. For example, the anger towards crimes can be overcome by giving proper expression if you find out the causes and solution to various crimes.

5. Understand that the external cause of anger is only partially responsible for it, because your subjectivity determines your perception and your autonomic nervous system determines your degree of your anger. In addition your cerebral involvement (involvement of your brain and thinking) makes the anger uncontrollable or controllable


1. Appropriate action to deal with factor/s causing anger is very important.

2. If you are inadequate or immature then you have to do namasmaran, anulom-vilom and Kapalbhati pranayama. It may be necessary to study the problem and equip yourself before any action.

3. If social situation is erratic then you have respond to it appropriately.

4. Infinite patience or impatience may be due to fear or thoughtlessness respectively.


Lack of any training Total Stress management is one of the reasons of incorrect perception, feelings (anger) and response (violence towards yourself or others).

Answer2: Anger-prone people [are] almost three times more likely to have a heart attack than those who are slow to become angry," says a report in the Globe and Mail newspaper. Nearly 13,000 people took part in a six-year Heart disease risk assessment. All participants were free of heart disease at the start of the study. Each person was asked a series of questions and rated as to whether he or she had a low, medium, or high anger index. Over the six-year period, 256 had heart attacks. The study revealed that those with the moderate rating were 35 percent more likely to have heart problems. The leading author of the study, Dr. Janice Williams of the University of North Carolina, says: "Anger could potentially lead to heart attacks, especially among middle-aged men and women with normal blood pressure." Therefore, the researchers recommended that anger-prone people should consider using stress-management techniques.

To reduce anger, slow down and relax. Try to avoid saying the first thing that comes to mind. If you feel yourself getting overly excited and feel you are in danger of losing control of your emotions, apply the Bible's counsel: "The beginning of contention is as one letting out waters; so before the quarrel has burst forth, take your leave."-Proverbs 17:14.

A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism." (Proverbs 14:30) Applying this basic Bible truth can improve one's emotional, physical, and spiritual health. To reduce anger, slow down and relax. Start by learning simple relaxation methods, which help to reduce feelings of anger. The following techniques have proved to be effective in combating stress-related anger:

● Breathing deeply, which is one of the best-and fastest-ways to reduce the intensity of your anger.

● While breathing deeply, repeating a word or phrase that is calming to you, such as "relax," "let it go," or "take it easy."

● Immersing yourself in something you enjoy-perhaps reading, listening to music, gardening, or some other type of activity you find relaxing.

● Getting regular exercise and eating a healthful diet.

You may not be able completely to avoid the people or the things that act as anger triggers, but you can learn to control your reactions to them. This involves changing the way you think.

People with very high expectations tend to have greater problems with anger. Why? Because when someone or something does not measure up to their high standards, disappointment and anger quickly follow. To combat this perfectionist mentality, it is good to keep in mind that "there is not a righteous man, not even one . . . All men have deflected, all of them." (Romans 3:10, 12) Therefore, we set ourselves up for a sense of failure if we think that we or anyone else can be perfect. With God's help and prayer, anyone can learn to control his anger. See Jehovah's Witnesses official website for the complete article in the 3/12 Awake magazine.

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14y ago

When i had anger problems. I went to the Metal Health.

The lady that was talking to me to control my anger by

taking deep breaths if you start getting out of control. She also told me if you are at home and someone makes you mad then,go to a place were they don't know where your going to be at,and just write down your feelings on the paper instead of taking it out on other people. I have been having trouble with my "Anger" since i was 10. I'm 15 now, and it has helped me allot. Some days you might not be able to hold back your anger and might blow it off,but its good to do that sometimes. Just try to take it out by writing on a piece of paper.

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11y ago

You could take deep breaths or walk away

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