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There are several wall-related problems on Time Tangled Island :

  • At Timbuktu (Mali Empire, 1387 AD), you have to climb up the buildings at the left side (by the snakes), and then jump across the tall divider to reach the Inn.
  • At the Great Wall of China (1593 AD), you have to climb the rope to the very top in order to jump left and reach the guard (who is missing his Stone Bowl).
  • To reach the ledge on the left at the Statue of Liberty (1882 AD), climb to the top of the statue and jump left.
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Q: How do you get past the big wall on time tangled island?
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It depends on which wall it is. Such as on the island Time Tangled where you have to get through the pile of rocks at the top of the mountain next to the viking ship. to get past that wall, you need to find the barrel of gunpowder in a different time period, then go back to the rocks and use it.

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The barrel of explosives on time tangled is on the left of the Great Wall of China.

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The great wall of China is located on the Time Tangled Island. Hope this helps.

Where is the great wall of china in time tangled island in poptropica?

Look under and find the treasure

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The gunpowder is in China (1593 AD), by the wall to the right.

How do you get to the great wall of china on time tangled island?

It is at 1593 AD on the time device (6 o'clock position).

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Go to the Chinese time and win it from a guy standing on the wall with a game

How do you get the rock to explode on time tangled island?

Get the gunpowder from the Great Wall (1593 AD) and then click on the rocks.

How do you get to the other side of the Great Wall on time tangled island?

Go right, and up on the rooftop, then you can jump left to the other part of the wall.