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Q: How do you get prize points in gpxplus?
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How do you get a lot of points on gpxplus?

Keep clicking, bud. Oh, and win a lot of achievements.

What is the easiest way to get trinkets on GPXPlus?

Buy a grip claw from the shop on GPXPlus.

Can you trade on gpxplus?

you have to go on the forum, in the ''trading station'' section. You can connect with your normal gpxplus account

How do you evolve winter vulpix on gpxplus?

Wait for five days, then us ea Shiny Stone on it. ~BL1TZ (my gpxplus name)

What does Prize Rebel do?

Prize Rebel is a site where users do surveys. The surveys have a certain amount of points they give you. When you have enough points you go to the prizes section to claim your prize. The problem with Prize Rebel is the slow earning pace of points mainly because Prize Rebel does not have a lot of ways to earn points.

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How do you get unbanned from Pokemon gpxplus?

You can't.

Do the interactions in gpxplus to do a exploration have to be in that day?


How do you download Microsoft points from prize rebel?

While its not so much of a downloading of points, from what I know, when you achieve enough of points to get your prize, they send it to your email address.

What happens when you get your prize-rebel prize?

if you typed in your real address prize rebel will send you a prize with the points you collected via amazon.

What does a regigigas egg look like on GPXPlus?

it is not out yet

What day do they give you a shiny stone in the pokeathlon dome for a prize?

You can get it as a prize on Mondays for 3000 points