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To get rid of blood clots in your legs usually requires surgery. While waiting for surgery your doctor will send you for blood work to check your INR. He also might put you on aspirin to help thin your blood.

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11y ago
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14y ago

its done operation and blodd is removed it mostly take 2-3 hours

and depends on blodd

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8y ago

I assume that blood-clot breaking drugs would be used. Or an operation would be used to remove any large blood clot(s) that can be reached without causing brain damage.

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15y ago

Blood clots are extremely hazardous to your health and can lead to having a stroke, heart attack, and death. A physician must administer the appropriate medication to dissolve the clot.

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drink plenty of water and tea before your cycle, stay away from sweets and unhealthy foods. That's what creates blood clots. Advil and the fetal position may also help.

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They do not form in a blood donation because blood clots are out of our anotomy

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Watery blood with blood clots can be a sign of miscarriage. You can also have an unusual menstrual cycle. If you have watery blood with blood clots you need to go to a doctor.

Can blood clots delay you period?

No. Blood clots are part of a normal period.

If a mosquitoe bites you on a scab can you get blood clots?

If a mosquito bites you on a scab you will not get blood clots. This bite may cause major irritation but it will not give you blood clots.

What causes blood clots within blood vessels?

Blood clots are caused by certain surgical procedures and diseases.

Y do we get blood clots in our blood?

People get blood clots for different reasons. The most common reason why people get blood clots is because there blood is to thick and cannot function right.

Are blood clots a sign of infection?

No. However, infections can lead to blood clots, in some cases.

Does marijuana cause blood clots or make you more likely to get blood clots?

it can do yes

What is most helpful in forming clots in blood?

clots are NEVER good in blood. thrombolytics are used to break up blood clots in the bloodstream. if this doesnt answer your question then delete it and rephrase it.