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call the cops.

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Q: How do you get rid of boyfriend not on lease and not supposed to be living with me anyway?
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If you are evicted from your apartment can you live with your boyfriend in the same apartment complex?

If you move in with your boyfriend, by law you are supposed to add your name to the lease with the landlord. All persons age 18 and over are supposed to be added to the lease if they are permanent residents.

Me and my boyfriend rented a room now my boyfriend move out but he is the one on the lease now the landlord wants me to pay500 and take me to court can she do that?

Although the Lease was on your boyfriends name,and you were both living together at the time the lease was prepared,you do not have any legal rights to remain in the room..perhaps the reason why your landlord 's demanding the 500,is to re-write a new lease on your name.Also,was a deposit paid by your boyfriend to the landlord? If the deposit was paid,what happened to it? My advise to you is to speak to a local lawyer in your area immediately.

Can a boyfriend move into a section 8 house if he's not on the application?

Typically, only individuals listed on the Section 8 application are permitted to live in the subsidized housing unit. Having an unapproved person move in can violate the terms of the agreement and potentially impact the household's eligibility for assistance. It's important to follow the program rules to avoid any issues.

Can a 17-year-old sign a lease for an apartment in Missouri without emancipation papers but with parental permission and a boyfriend being the main leaser on the lease?

{| |- | No, they cannot sign the lease paperwork. They can certainly move into the apartment with the permission of the parents. And if the parents or boyfriend sign the lease, there should be no problems. |}

Can a landlord keep a tenants securtity deposit even if the tenant never signed a lease and never moved into the property?

Was the lease supposed to be a month-to-month lease or for a year or longer?

How do you get out of a lease when your boyfriend and you broke up?

Check your lease for the termination clause. It will spell out exactly what you need to do in order to end the lease early. If there is no early termination clause, you will need to pay the rent as required for the period of the lease. You and your boyfriend will probably need to discuss who will be financially responsible for this, and discuss whether it makes the most financial sense for one of you to continue the lease, either alone or with a new roommate.

If you volunteer a reposession on a lease car and the car is not operable what happens?

They repossess it anyway and you could be responsible for the repair cost, depending on the lease contract.

What civil rights does a woman have if she is living with her boyfriend and he wants her to move out?

It depends on how long they have been living together and whose name is on the lease/title of the living space. If the lease contains both names or is under her name only, then he has no right to kick her out until the lease expires or he gets a court order. If it is under his name only, then he can kick her out without notice. If they have been living together for a long time, they may be common-law married in which case he needs a court order. Check the laws in your area to see what (if anything) constitutes a common-law marriage.

Is there anyway to change the name on a car lease?

Only is you can negotiate that issue with the leasing company.

Can you kick your boyfriend out of your appartment if neither of us signed a lease or have any recipets in either name?

Maybe. Can the boyfriend kick the girlfriend out?

Does a spouse have to sign a lease agreement?

Generally yes, if the spouse is going to be living with the tenant. Most landlords will require that all adults who will be living in the property unit sign the lease, and are subject to the same terms of the lease as the principal signer.

Is it illegal to sign the lease for your own apartment if you are already on a lease with your boyfriend but you move out?

No. But, you will still be responsible for your share of the previous lease unless the landlord/rental agency (not the the other leasees) agree to release you from your obligation.