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There are lots of pet sprays in pet pharmacies and pet stores that should get rid of the stain. Some are generic and get rid of both dog AND cat. If your cat has pooped or coughed up a hairball, pick it up, throw it out and then spray. It should get rid of the stink and hopefully the stain. If your cat (or dog) has pooped, peed, or barfed up on any object that you use AT ALL. Disinfect it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

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16y ago

Cirtus oils and peels. Repot the plant or add more dirt to your garden

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11y ago

1. You could probably use some FreBreeze or something like that. 2. It's DIRT. Does it really matter?

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Q: How do you remove cat urine smell from dirt?
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How do you remove cat urine from a car seat?

You can remove cat urine from your car seat by applying a product called D-Molish. D-Molish actually neutralizes the urine smell, it will be totally gone!

How do you get the smell of cat urine out of furniture?

To remove cat urine odor from your furniture, you need to a product called NI-712. NI-712 does not just cover up the odor, it eliminates it by attacking the molecular structure of the urine. NI-712 will remove your cat urine problems.

Is the smell of cat urine deadly to humans?

No, it is not. Cat urine may smell terrible, but it ultimately won't hurt you.

Can cat urine make you blind?

Cat urine can stain clothing and smell bad, some people can actually be allergic to cat urine. Cat urine will not make you blind.

How do you remove dried cat spray from brass?

Saliva and white grape juice is the only true way to remove the stains and smell of feline urine.

Can the smell of cat urine make you sick?

It can, if you have a strong sense of smell.

Can cat urine smell harm your baby?


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cat urine

Why is my cats urine smell so strong?

Well, any urine from anyone is going to smell, but male cats' urine is especially potent because, if they are not spayed, they use it to mark their territories. The unique smell of the individual cat's urine declares to intruders that they own the territory.

Is there a household cleaner that removed cat urine?

Vinegar and water does well. However, if your cat is frequently incontinent and you have carpet and/or upholstered furniture, you'll need a better solution to the issue. When the urine soaks into the pad, there is no real way to remove the smell.

Does cat urine smell different than dog urine?

when a cat is not neutered or spayed, the smell of urine can be overwhelming both for males and females, this is normally the reason for cats to mate, so if you do not want to hear the patter of little paws......neuter or spay your cats.