

Best Answer

Hello! There is way to get rid of dandruff related acne-

Using anti-dandruff shampoo while washing your hair is the easiest way to make your hair dandruff free.

.Follow a diet high in greens, chicken, fish, milk and its products and food high in Vitamins A, E, and B Complex.

.Coal tar is a liquid by-product of the distillation of coal. It is used in shampoos meant to treat head lice and psoriasis.

.Zinc pyrithione, or Zinc omadine is an anti-fungal and antibacterial agent that is most commonly used to fight the dandruff.

. Avoid nuts, chocolate, fried food , shellfish, iodized salt.

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Q: How do you get rid of dandruff related acne?
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In some cases dandruff is known to damage the cell based layer on your head, usually if you shower and keep a good personal hygiene you won't have to worry about dandruff affecting the skin on your head.

How can you get rid of dandrift?

To get rid of dandruff, you can shampoo often with an anti-dandruff shampoo. Head & Shoulders is usually rated the best. If this does not rid you of dandruff, then it may be a medical issue.

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Shoe polish does not get rid of beard dandruff. You should try washing your beard with anti-dandruff shampoo.

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How do you get rid of dandruff in one day?

Getting rid of dandruff in one day is impossible. Dandruff is a condition that takes time to heal. Scrubbing your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo could help you cure it in about a week, and if that doesn't work you'll have to see a dermotologist.

Does cranberry juice cause acne?

No, it helps get rid of acne.

Is baking soda and water good to get rid of acne?

Yes, it can get rid of acne. Baking soda dries out the acne.

What is the usp of head and shoulders shampoo?

'You get rid of dandruff.'

Is water the real answer to get rid of adult acne?

The truth is that while drinking lots of water is beneficial to getting rid of acne, it's more than that. It could be stress-related, things you eat. You probably should go to a dermotologist to get the best help.