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Q: How do you get rid of insects on your kale collards and zucchini plants?
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What is the difference between collards and kale?

The major differences between collards and kale stems from their appearance and flavor. Collards have a medium green hue, an oval shape and smooth texture. Kale on the other hand is darker with grayish green broad leaves that are crinkled. Kale is also the stronger tasting of the two, thicker, chewier leaves, can taste a bit bitter compared to collards.

What contains cellulose?

Cruciferous Vegetables (brussels sprouts, cabbage and kale), Tubers (potatoes, carrots and yams), Squashes (pumpkin and zucchini) and Sprouts (alfalfa and sunflower)

What can you use instead of kale?

You can use other greens, such as Swiss chard, collards, or spinach. But be aware that the different greens may take different times to cook, because some of them have a tougher leaf that takes longer to get soft. Spinach cooks the fastest, then chard, then kale, then collards. It may not matter, depending on what you're making.

Can deer eat collard greens?

Yes. They will eat Collards which are in the brassica family that includes plants like turnips, kale, mustard, rape, etc... They will eat them more readily after a frost. I plant them every year in my food plots.

Can an iguana eat kale?

I bought kale yesterday in the store by mistake. I usually buy her mustard greens. Can I feed her this bunch of kale (along with the collards and squash and minimal fruit she usually gets) and then go back to the mustard greens? I can return the kale to the store and exchange it for the mustard but figured I'd check first. Thanks!

What type of plants is common in cold climatecs?

There are lots of plants that grow in cold climates, here is a few of them! Broccoli, Cabbage, Collards, Kale, & Turnips. There are also some flowers that can handle the cold including: Perennials, Camellia Sasanqua, Chinese Juniper, & Honeysuckle. Let's not forget evergreen trees! Hope this helps you out a bit!

What are collards?

Collards, along with kale, cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are all varieties of the same species, Brassica oleracea. The only difference between these plants are the differences that humans introduced over thousands of years of selective cultivation. Collards are part of the family known botanically by the name Brassica oleracea acephala which translates to "headless cabbage vegetable."Collards are the favorite green of the American South, especially in the winter, after the first frost. If grown during hot summers, collards develop a strong bitter flavor. They are often prepared with other similar green leaf vegetables, such as kale, turnip greens, spinach, and mustard greens in "mixed greens" or "mess o'greens." Many Southerners believe that they can look forward to a year of good fortune if they eat collards and black-eyed peas on New Year's Day. Others might hang a fresh collard leaf over their door to keep bad spirits away, and a fresh leaf on the forehead is said to cure a headache.

Plants that start with the letter K?

Kaffir lily, Kalanchoe, Kale, Kalmia, Kerria, to name but a few.

Which food item does vitamin a is present?

Carrots, Green leafy vegetables- spinach, Kale, collards,Lettuce, Cantaloupe/muskmelon, Dried Apricots and Animal Liver are good sources of Vitamin A.

What vegitables can you plant in the fall?

spinach potatoes carrots kale collards rutabagas turnips broccoli colliflower are all great for fall

Is kale the leaf of brussel sprouts?

No they are two different plants.