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If you do get a mosquito bite, run it over with hot water. It may sting a little, then run it with cold water. Your bite may be numb for a few hours. I tried this and it actually works. Or you could rub with alcohol or place an ice pack over it. But I think the water running is better. If it itches again, repeat the process.

AnswerThe first contributor was on the right path, and their method seems to be a good one. A solution that I use on mosquito bites is a very good one. First, run cold water on the bite, but make sure to use soap, too. Pat dry.Next, get an ice cube to numb the bite. Pat dry. If you have deodorant, rub once or twice on the bite. I really have no idea why it works, but it does. If it continues to itch, I have one more suggestion. Chances are you don't have the same conditioner they put in Seacrest hotel rooms. I have recently found out that: Ecossential Elements, Moisturizing Conditioner, enriched with Organic Aloe Vera, is extremely helpful. Once applied to the bite, you must let it sink in, or you can rub it. Within a couple of minutes, the mosquito bite should shrivel up and hopefully not annoy again. Answer

I am REALLY allergic to mosquitoes, so over the years I have come up with ways to get rid of the itching.

1) If you are allergic to mosquito bites like me, you can take Benadryl.

2) When you scratch a mosquito bite they will just become itchier. Put a little bit of antibacterial cream on the bite, and cover it with a Band-aid. If you do start to absentmindedly scratch the bite, then the Band- aid will protect it.

3) I scratch my bug bites at night, so before I go to bed, I complete the steps above and wear tight spandex pants. It isn't very fashionable, but it works.

4) Put something on your mosquito bite that will cool it, like aloe vera, Vicks, or Noxzema.

5) Put ice on it.

6) Take a bath with baking soda and hot water. (Put a lot of baking soda in.)

7) The hardest part of all of these steps is to ignore the bite. Watch a movie or play Video Games- anything that will distract you.


I have found that one of the very best, and immediately rewarding things you can do to calm the itching of a mosquito bite is to apply just a little stick deodorant. It's best to use the solid white kind. The gel and clear kinds never seem to work to me.

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13y ago
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14y ago

=Sweety I know the feeling bites drive me crazy....==But your gonna wnt to look into some off or something to not get them in the first place.==But since you already havethem==Remedy #1==Dampen the inflicted area and rubb salt on the bite.==Remedy #2==Lemon juice! Puit lemon on the bite will stop infection from scartching.==Remedy #3==Calomine loation will do the trick. You gonna what to put a fair amount on thought because out a little won't do you any good.==Remedy #4==Witch hazel and baking soda mix them together and rub it on the bite.==And baby i know your parents always say don't scratch. Which is true if you scratch the actual bite you leave a scar. Scratch around the bite that way the nerev can still feel it. I you scratch there it will eventually stop itching. Grin and bare it honey!=

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15y ago

It will take time. I went to Bangladesh, and I was eaten alive. Don't worry, they will heal. Use a Vitamin E cream or oil along with Aloe Vera. It works, but it will take time.

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11y ago

You can add makeup to it or wear very big scarfs. It takes a while for it to heal so instead of looking how to get rid of them, look for how to treat them.(as a matter of fact)

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12y ago

Go see a dermatologist

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Asian tiger mosquito or forest day mosquito(Aedes albopictus)

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No it is not dangerous. They do not bite at all. It is actually not a mosquito but a Crane Fly, sometimes referred to as a Mosquito Eater. When they themselves are larvae they will sometimes feed on mosquito larvae, but as adults do not prey on mosquitoes. They will feed on nectar, if anything at all, before they find a mate for their brief life span. I've always found them to be beautiful, delicate, and even friendly creatures!

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