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I get a red rash there and the best you can do is to keep it dry (NO WET CLOTHS) Or if it is really servere i rub 3-4 finger pinches of flour!

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Q: How do you get rid of red rash on thighs?
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Red rash on thighs and stomach?

It maybe a type of fungal rash. I would go check with the doctor. They will tell you what it is and may give you some cream or pills to get rid of it.

If you have a rash on the inner elbows inner thighs belly neck and near the armpits and it is slightly red and really irritating how do you get rid of it and what is it?

You may be experiencing hives, but it's best to see your doctor. Rashes are hard at best to diagnose.

Red bumps with White stuff coming out on my on thighs?

Red bumps on your thighs with white stuff coming out of them indicates that you have an infected rash. This requires immediate treatment with antibiotics to prevent it from spreading and affecting other parts of your body.

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Answer See a doctor immediatly!!

What does it mean if you have minerly puffy red stuff that looks like a rash on you?

Excema, effect from shaving your thighs, or effect from heat.

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shaking thighs and a sort of red rash across the breastbone and her screaming 'i'm coming' is often a giveaway

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7 thousand

What could be wrong if you have a rash on your inner thighs that is red splotchy and burns a little and you're secreting yellowish green stuff that has funny odor and how do you get rid of it?

Try monistat7. It sounds like you have a yeast infection. But it would probably be best to see your Dr. if it is infected that bad.

I have red circle things on my thighs and sometimes my arms What are they and How to you get rid of them?

The red circle things on your thigh and arms are most likely Keratosis Pilaris. If you want to get rid of them, you will have to put medicated cream you from your doctor.

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Can you get a heat rash on the front of your thighs?

It is possible to get a heat rash on the front of your thighs. This is more likely if you wear very heavy or coarse clothing that can contribute to heat retention and skin irritation.

How can you get rid of your red itchy rash on your body that keeps getting bigger?