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If you want to stay healthy - you don't. If you think that having visible abs is more important than having the energy to do anything with them, go on a strict diet with plenty of cardio exercise.

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You need to specifically do exercises with your abs. Doing sit-ups is very good for working on your abs.

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Q: How do you get rid of the thin layer of fat that is in the way of abs?
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When can you see your sixpack?

depending on how much you workout your abs really, if you workout your abs about every other day you would start to see them in about 3-4 months, you coud also do cardio to get rid of the layer of fat which covers your abs. good luck :) Joee

Abs are very firm and strong underneath but they're covered up by a layer of mush What can be done to get rid of this layer of fat to reveal the abs?

running The only way to remove target areas of fat is by losing weight in general... through aerobic exercise and watching your diet. ==ride a bike on a high gear, this attacks body fat. Start out on a low gear, or you will stress your legs.==

Can running help your abs?

Yes, it will definitely help you maintain your abs. Running is the #1 way to fight belly fat and since fat attacks your abs it helps get rid of the fat that is in your system. In addition, running 7.5 mph a 160-man can burn 928 calories a hour.

How do you get rid of mid section fat mainly love handles if you already have a health body fat percentage?

by working on the abs with lots of sit-ups.

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in the fatty tissue so thin people can get rid of THC faster than fat people

The Best Lower Abs Exercise for Ripped Abs?

The lower abs are the most difficult part of the abs to define. Even thin people usually have a layer of fat over their lower abdominal muscles. Many people refer to this fat as their"stomach pooch."Even if you do hundreds of crunches, you may not get rid of this pooch. This is partly because traditional crunches don't work the lower abs. To specifically target the lower abdominal muscles, you will have to switch up your old exercise routine.The Best Lower Abs ExerciseThe best lower abs exercise isn't a type of sit-up or crunch; it's cardio. The lower abs are the most difficult to define because of the layer of fat that covers them. No muscle strengthening exercise will get rid of this fat. To get a six or eight pack, you need to define the rectus abdominis, which is broken up into eight sections.The only way to make these sections visible is to lower your body percentage fat. There is no way to spot reduce. If you want to see your lower abs, you'll have to reduce your body fat through a healthy diet and exercise plan.When reducing body fat, the first abs to become visible are the upper sections of the rectus abdominis. The leaner you get, the more abdominal muscles you will see. Of course, you can still work your ab muscles. This will help make them stronger, larger, and more defined, which will increase their visibility.Other Six Pack Defining ExercisesTo define the lower abs, focus on leg lifts and reverse crunches. When doing leg lifts, lay flat on your back with your arms out to the sides. Keep your head and shoulders off of the ground, and slowly raise both of your legs at the same time. If this is too difficult, you can keep your head down, while lifting your legs.A reverse crunch is also performed while laying on the ground. Keeping your legs together, lift your legs and bend them at a 90 degree angle. Lift your head off the ground and support your neck with your hands. Using your lower abs, lift your hips off the ground and towards your chest. Make sure to your movements slow and controlled, as this will provide the most benefit to the abs.

I am a healthy fit slim person who does regular cardio weights yoga good diet yet stomach fat I can't get rid of?

Try including some abs workout in your routine. Doing abs every alternate day should help you burn fat around abdominal region.

What is the best exercise to get rid of belly fat?

Crunches are the best way to help rid belly fat. Not only should you do traditional crunches, but you should also target your lower abs and oblique's, which can be achieved through side crunches and bicycles.

Does polyurethane leather breathe?

PU Leather does not breath as the layer of synthetic polyurethane does not allow moisture to move through it. The reason leather can stay in good condition through wear and wetness is it can rid itself of moisture. The polyurethane layer cover also does not age or wear. The thin layer of leather used un the polyurethane was normally a useless thin layer of leather before it was used as the under layer in PU leather.

How do you get rid of cheek fat without surgery I am 20 years old a male and weigh 165 pounds?

If your 20 years old just do exersizes with your cheeks and maybe when your older the fat with thin out

How do you get rid of the body fat on your lower sides?

Spot reduction is a myth. If you want to lose fat the only way is just to lose fat all over your body. Fill up the spots that get too thin with muscles instead.

Will anorexia get rid of cellulite?

Yes, it is possible. Not all anorexics are underweight, and cellulite can appear on "thin" people. Cellulite is in realtion to the distribution of fat, not the amount of fat present, so it is possible for anorexics to have cellulite.