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I doubt if that's possible.

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Q: How do you get rid of the virual flu in one day?
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How to get rid of Flu?

You cannot get rid of the flu. It is a virus. The symptoms can only be treated, until your antibodies can destroy the viral structure. This is why you get a flu shot because it significantly reduces the risk of getting the flu.

Is it easy to get rid of Swine Flu if you get it?

There isn't a way yet to ''get rid of'' swine flu so to make sure u don't get it just get the vaccine for it

How do you get rid of a Swine Flu?

using oseltamavir tablets or syrup

Can you eat eggs to get rid of swine flu?

Maybe it is protein

How many days does flu last?

Yes and no, If you have a good immune system, you might have symptoms only one day (as it is in my case, rarely goes beyond one day of fever and good to work next day). But even without symptoms your body will still be "cleaning up" the virus, which definitely would take more than a day

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What what used to cure the flu in colonial times?

nothing. they just had to try to get rid of it. nothing. they just had to try to get rid of it.

What type of foods get rid of the flu?

Poo and Sugar with a hint of wee.

Is dental work safe when you have the flu?

No. This can just simply be you flu kicking in. Your body is infected with a virus days before you see and feel the affects. It is just coincidence that it was the day after you went to the dentist.

How do you get rid of red gums in one day?

brush your teeth

I have the flu and the cold my body is very worm but i feel cold what must i do to get rid of this sickness?

A doctor will be able to prescribe medicines for some aspects of the flu. Usually a person will have to let the flu run its course.