

How do you get scuba on stardoll?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Well, to get Scuba it requires a lot of time, effort, and money as it is one of the rarest pieces of DKNY on stardoll, being the first season and everything. Considerably, it is probably easier to get than LE, but of course still a complete challenge. To get it, this is what you need to do.

1. You must be superstar.

2. Check rare collectors. Often, many rare collectors such as xLou26, MissLolita_F, saphiredakota2, and many more are often getting rid of their stock.

3. Have lots of money. Some will ask you to pay high amounts of stardollars, while others may ask for real money, transferred over PayPal, or sometimes even stardoll upgrade codes.

Good luck! xx

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Either, depending on context. Usually, if used as a noun it is SCUBA; as an adjective, as in scuba diver, it is just scuba.

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It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.It's called scuba diving.

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Now it has been gone cuz the old DKNY hass passed and now new Dkny but if u send broadcasts to peeps they cn trade it to u for a higher bid

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click on to brands at the top and click the stardoll or stardoll archieve

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your can't cheat on stardoll add me on stardoll superjosh1234