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As long as you include their username in your tweet (@username) then your tweet will appear in their @replies tab.

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Q: How do you get someone to see your tweets if they're not following you?
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How do you choose who sees your tweets if you have it set to private Can only the people you are following see them or out of the people you are following can you choose who sees them and who can't?

If your account is private then only people that are following you can see your tweets. It doesn't matter who you are following, they must be following you to view your tweets. So, if you are following someone but they aren't following you then they won't be able to view your tweets.

If someone followed you on twitter than you made your your tweets private. are they still able to see your tweets?

Yes, anyone who is following you when your tweets are private can view them.

If you tweet someone who is not following you and your tweets are protected can they see your tweets?

If you protect your updates, the people who follow you CAN see your tweets, but ONLY the people who follow you.

How can you get all the people you follow to see your tweets on their timeline?

The only way that your tweets will appear on their timeline is if they are following you. If you want someone to see a tweet but they aren't following you then you should 'mention' them in your tweet (@username)

What does it mean when you're following someone on Twitter?

It means that their tweets will appear on your personal timeline. This way you won't have to go to their profile to see their tweets.

Does anyone see your tweets if you have no followers?

If your profile/tweets are not protected then anyone can see your tweets.When you mention someone in your tweet, that tweet will always appear in their @replies tab whether they are following you or not.

Can the people you follow on Twitter see your tweets if theyre not following you?

If your profile is not protected then anyone can see your tweets.For your tweets to appear on their feed, they must be following you. It doesn't matter if you are following them or not, they must be following you.If they are not following you but your account isn't protected then they can simply go to your profile to see your tweets.

How do you check tweets?

Log into your account and you will see the recent tweets from those you are following. To see tweets that you have been mentioned in, click on the @username tab on the right hand side.

About Twitter If you have your Tweets protected if you reply to someone and they will be able to see it And I follow them they don't follow me?

Unfortunately, no. If your updates are protected, only your followers can see them, includng any @replies you may make. If you've replied to someone not following you, they can't see any of your tweets, since you're protected.

How does she read your messages on twitter when its been protected on there?

If your tweets are protected then only people following you can see your tweets. If she isn't following you then maybe she has access to an account that is following you.

How do you get someone to stop following you on twitter if your post was private but you accepted a request. also does that person get to see what you tweet to others?

You can block them - you won't see any of your tweets when you do.

When someone blocks you on Twitter can you still see their tweets?

If someone has blocked you on Twitter, you'll be able to send tweets to them, but it won't appear in their mentions. The only way they'd be able to see it if is they unblocked you to see it. They will be able to tweet you as normal, but they won't see what you tweet them.