

How do you get to be covergirl really quickly on stardoll?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Broadcast, Tell your friends and write in other peoples guest books :]

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Q: How do you get to be covergirl really quickly on stardoll?
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Who is justdance4smile?

Justdance4smile is a superstar on stardoll andbshould really be covergirl visit her she has a decorative suite.

What is a stardoll account?

Stardoll account is a website its called Your a Doll and You Can Go Shopping and Chat with people Too! and Theres a covergirl You Can Be a Superstar and You Can Be The Covergirl! You Can even Buy Furnchire For ur suite! and dacrite it its Really Fun!

Who was stardolls first national covergirl?

The Stardoll First National Covergirl Was Crushgirl2012

Who should I vote covergirl on stardoll?

Its really your choice you can choose your friends, a random person or a person who really wants to be one.

What do you get to do when you are a royalty on stardoll?

On stardoll when you are royalty you get gifts and you get to sop from the royalty store and much more. My friend skaseta is royalty and she is really nice:) You should add her and vote her for covergirl :)

How do you be cg on stardoll?

To be a cover girl on stardoll you should dress yourself up really nicely and make your face look really pretty by buying makeup and jewellery. If your medoll includes all of these things then you leave the people to vote for their favourite covergirl.

What is NCG in stardoll?

It's basically a 2nd covergirl, but less covergirl, if that makes sense? Like, the main covergirl is the SD that got the most votes, and the NCG's are the covergirls from all over the world. Like, xxprettyxx114, UK, covergirl. Aimie., SPAIN, covergirl. So on and so on. From different countries, they are all SS. It's really hard for me to explain seeing as I don't really know myself. But I hope you got the grip of this anyway. If you're still confused, ask other SD staff. Sorry if I weren't clear enough.

How do you become famous on StarDoll Don't tell me anything from WikiHow?

I am not famous on stardoll but my friend names srkaseta sure is really popular! She won national covergirl on June 17th and I bet she would be more than welcome to give you some tips on winning and how to become famouse so just add her! Also vote her for covergirl! Thanks! I hope this helped! :)

What are some fun stardoll clubs to join on stardoll?

Hey! One fun club on stardoll is Covergirl_Tips7! I am in it and it is an amazing club! There are tons on contests and the owner, srkaseta has won National covergirl before so she gives us tips on how to win! She is one of the most popular members on stardoll! She loves new member to her club so join and vote her for covergirl! I hope this helped!

Who was stardolls first member?

I know who it is! Her name is: misspunk89. She is an emo, and is really cool.Go and visit her! Stardoll have rewound her year though because she hasbeen on for so long. Vote her covergirl!

Who has the best stardoll presentation?

...Chrissy... does really good presentations go check her out shes not a Superstar but shes planning to become a Superstar... But go check her presentation out. Her presentation is like really good and shes really trustworthy. She's done a lot of presentations.