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well i always heard that the person that ignores a cat in a crowd, always gets the cat next to them when everyone is trying to touch it and pet it. they say that the cat wants some aloneness so they go to the one who is trying to ignore them-so when theres a lot of people in a room with a cat keep her there and see what happens

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Q: How do you get your allergic mom to pet your cat?
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Is the Burmese cat a good pet for people allergic to cats?

being a cat, probably not.

How do i know if i am allergic to cats although i haven't been in the past?

You should go to a pet store... Pet a cat... See if you have an alergic reaction.

Why is your mom allergic to all the pets exept for fish?

She's probably allergic to the pet dander. That's the tiny flakes of dead skin the animals shed.

Does pet make you sick?

Well it depends if you are allergic to your pet or if you are allergic to something your pet rolled in. But I do not think that if you are not allergic to them or anything else in the area you live in than no you can not get sick because of your pet. (you might be allergic to something your pet rolled in if you are sick)

What is the best cat for you if you are allergic?

Most people that are allergic to cats are only actually allergic to the fur, so a hairless cat.

If someone is allergic to a cat dander are they allergic to parakeets?

no no

Can you be allergic to a certain colour of a cat like ginger cats?

When you are allergic to a cat you are either allergic to its fur OR its dander.Dander is when a cat licks itself and the dried spit falls off in flakes (ew, I know).So you can't be allergic to a certain colour of cat.

Is macavity the cat a pet cat or a stray cat?

He is both a pet cat, because you can pet it, and a stray cat because you can stray it. :)

What does it mean if you dream about cats?

if you have a cat, it's probably just you like it. If you once owned a cat but it died or ran away then you're grieving for it but if you don't have a pet and you like them and none of your family hates them or is allergic to them... maybe it's time to take mum to the pet shop!

What is Vanessa allergic to?

her cat

If mom is allergic to rabbits will baby be as well?

Not neccesarily. My mom, is allergic to tree nutts, but I'm not. I can easily eat them without feeling the allergic reactions. However, it can happen.

If you are allergic to one cat will you be allergic to all cats?

no, it depends on the length of the cats fur and stuff. you are not allergic to the cat itself, it is the dust mites that they carry on the fur.