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If he put his friendship with this girl before your relationship with him, it means (unfortunately) that he gave the friendship more priority than his relationship with you---regardless if you had a legitimate reason to be upset or not. If you get back with him, expect the same issues to resurface.

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Q: How do you get your ex-boyfriend back after you broke up with him because you did not like one of his female friends?
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Friend, let me advise you - the boys have been talking and its time for a checkout. Wake up and smell the coffee! He told him why you broke up, now he wants to chek his story out. Unless you want to be "i told you so" subject matter please stay clear of that bunch. I say, IF YOU AND YOUR GROUP OF FRIENDS ARE NOT WORTH YOUR EXBOYFRIEND AND HIS GROUP OF FRIENDS, THEN SURELY HIS BEST FRIEND IS INCLUDED ASWEL ( AND ESPECIALLY SO!). Remember that you are worth so much, open up you will eventually begin to see beyond that bunch!

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How do you get your ex back when you broke up with him because you didn't like one of his female friends because you know she likes him?

The best thing to do is talk it out. It's very important to make sure he knows your sorry. Speak honestly, and there might be a chance for starting over.

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Depends on who broke up with who. If he broke up with you then most likely no. But if u broke up with him then yes of course.

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no it's their fault for letting jealousy get the best of them, in other words.... you are not the exact reason they broke up, the reason they broke up was because they were jealous and couldn't see that the person they were with really liked them. Thanks a bunchhh

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It's ok, hun. This one is up to you. If you want to be friends, then go for it. But being friends could hurt you when he dates someone else. I think keeping apart is better for you to get over him, he sounds like a loser anyway! Good Luck, XXX

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they broke up because she wasnt as into him as he was. they decided to just stay friends.

Why does someone who i broke up with want to be friends?

Simple. They care about you. And you can tell.. because together or not, they still want you in their life.

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