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i shave my legs secretly i already have a razor.when youre in the shower shave them just don't tell your mom. hope that helps


u probably shouldn't do it secretly unless u know your mom couldn't care less. if u do share trust you should just keep it simple and tell her straight out or if ur nervous just go around in shorts around the house and let her see hoe hairy ur legs are and she'll finally get so grossed out she will tell u to shave ur legs.haha.

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I had the same problem. Tell her you feel uncomfortable with hair on your legs and ask her politley why she wont let you. if you have a special occasion comin up you r in luck!! if u have to wear a dress tell her u want to feel pretty without hair on my legs.

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How do you convince your mom to let you shave your legs?

So. . To get my mom to let me shave when I was 12 , when me and my mom where in the car ALONE , I randomly said " I look like a ape." She said "why?" And i said "Because my leg are so hairy!" And the next day me and her went and bought me my first razor. Hope I Helped! Byeee.(:

How do you tell your mom you need to shave your legs?

okay, i am 13 and i started shaving my legs last year. I was going to the beach so i asked my mom if maybe i could shave my legs before and she said yes. the only thing she said was what brought that up and i just said i was putting lotion on my legs. hope this helps and be strong!! p.s i also recommend doing it before you go to bed or something so you dont talk to her for a while

What should you ask your mom when to shave?

my mom and i arent that close in this kinda way and i just said 'hey mom my legs are really hairy and gross, can you get me a razor so i can shave them please?' is that what your asking for??? your question is confusing me haha

Your mom won't let you shave you have asked before 2 times she sayed not help?

Wear a dress or skirt that really shows off your legs right before you're going out. Your mom will notice this and you won't have to ask again.

How do you talk to your mom about shaving?

it just depends on what you want to shave. you really aren't supposed to shave your pubic area. but legs are a different story. if you really want to shave your legs, just ask your mom flat out if you can. never go behind your moms back and do something that she wouldn't approve of.

HelpTheres a HUGE end of the year dance party and my mom wont let me shave or wax and im 13 im so stressed out and upset because i got the cutest dress and eveything How do you get rid of leg hair?

shave your legs anyway, who cares.

Do girls like leg hair?

Girls dont like hair on there legs..some of them find that is really gross. Some girl dont even shave there legs because there parents dont let them or they are to gross to even shave there legs. The girl that love sport shave their legs because they are a lot of people there that will ask "do you shave your legs". But some girl do it so they have nice soft leg.

How do you stopin itchin when i shave my legs?

Don't shave your legs!

Do women in Europe shave their legs?

Not all women in Europe shave their legs. It is a myth that European women do not shave their legs.

What do you do when you have hairy legs when your a kid?

I would just shave them.... I imagine that this is a girl so, ask your mom if you can, if she says no then do it any ways, always use soap before you shave your legs and make sure to hide any evidence.

How do you shave my legs without my mom knowing?

well, you can sneak a razor wherever your mom keeps them. Or you can get those shaving pads, there not razor but like sand paper. You rub them on your legs and your legs will be super smooth.... trust me its works. Or you can just ask!

Do you have to shave your legs to wear hose?

no, you do not have to shave your legs to wear hose.