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Different commands can have different syntaxes. The most common format is 'command -a -b -c -d' or 'command -abcd'. Commands with long options will also support the syntax 'command --option --option2 --coption3'.

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Q: How do you give command line arguments while running a program in Linux?
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That would be a semi-contradiction; the command line would need to be already running in order to enter a command. The name of the program that actually provides the command line is called a shell. There are many different shells available for Linux, including Bash, ash, C Shell, fish, ksh, zsh, and scsh.The default command shell is /bin/sh (not /bin/bash, note).

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How many different commands are there for Linux?

Innumerable. Remember that any program on Linux can be launched from the command line, so there are as many commands as there are programs.

Which command line can be used to restart a running Linux system immediately?

shutdown -r now