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Start with good quality seed.

Plant early indoors, or in a heated greenhouse, in a flower pot with potting compost. Better: plant several, so you can pick the best shoot for planting on. Keep the soil moist and warm until the seeds germinate.

Find a good spot. Somewhere which gets the maximum amount of sunshine. Somewhere near a wall, or a telegraph pole etc. which can support the sunflower as it gets taller. Somewhere with plenty of room for the roots to spread out. Big healthy roots = tall sunflower.

Dig the soil with a fork or spade. Dig down and loosen up the soil as much as possible so that the roots have an easy time. Remove stones you find. Mix in some fertiliser. Shop bought or homemade compost is good, well rotted manure is better. Work lots of it deep into your newly dug soil. Well fertilised ground = tall sunflower.

When the cutting gets its 3rd and 4th leaves, start to "harden" it. Put it outside , in it's pot, during the day and indoors at night. Keep it outside for longer periods so that it gets used to the climate. If the leaves get limp after it has been outside, it's getting too cold - keep it indoors more until the weather improves. This step is particularly important if you've planted early = better, as the sunflower will get a longer growing season (ideal for getting big).

Wait till the risk of night frost has passed. Dig a hole in your soil patch and transfer the sunflower - potting compost and all - into the soil. Press the soil down well all around (helps retain moisture).

And that's it! Make sure you water regularly, support it as it gets taller, pull out the weeds. A well prepared ground, and a well cared for sunflower will be the tallest.

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How tall was tallest sunflower recorded in IL?

well its 25 ft and 6 inches!