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The dog just needs your help to get him on to some grass and lay it down it will urinate, but if it doesnt then you should see a vet about that problem.

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Q: How do you help a male dog with injured leg to urinate?
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Why does a male chihuahua urinate on his owner?

well if you dont want your dog to urinate on your belongings or stuff then train your dog not to! There are also books to help you.

What is the problem when a male dog strains to urinate and it comes out in a tiny stream?

Could be a swollen prostrate

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to mark its territory or because noone takes it outside to use the bathroom.

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Male dogs lift their leg so they can direct their urine to mark their territory. They will typically urinate on the side of a post, tree or whatever is available for them to leave their mark on.

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No. Male horses (geldings and stallions) will stretch out to urinate. Mares (females) spread their hind legs and squat somewhat.

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its not trained

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snap its neck it depends on how bad it is hurt before you have to have it put down

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no actual reason

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because it has the worms

Why would a 4 year old male Newfoundland dog urinate on its pack leader and the day before against the stove. Especially when completely toilet trained for four years?

The dog might have a urinary infection. Consult your vet.