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throw a brick through the mirror, this is best done while standing on one foot blindfolded. punch th mirrior untill your hands are numb and bleeding and you black out then swollow all the glass.

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1mo ago

To help a soul trapped in a mirror, you can conduct a ritual to release the soul or perform a cleansing to remove any negative energy attached to the mirror. Providing positive energy, prayers, or intentions can also help to free the trapped soul. Consulting with a spiritual advisor or healer for guidance and support may also be beneficial.

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How is a mirror useful when trapped on island?

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What does a mirror symbolize in spirituality?

a mirror shows the manifestation of the mind and soul.

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The eyes are windows to the soul.

What are the superstitions of mirrors?

To break a mirror will give you seven years bad luck. Some people once believed if harm befell the image in a mirror it would also harm the person. Magically mirrors are said to reflect or re-direct negativity. Brides should not look at their own reflection in a mirror when trying on their wedding outfit (specifically if wearing the veil) as it will endanger the happiness of the marriage. Vampires are said not to throw a reflection in a mirror - no soul, no reflection. Mirror are covered in the house where there has been a death, so the soul is not trapped within, instead of going on to the next world.

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They said vampires didn't have a soul, so since it was also thought that when you look in a mirror you saw your soul.

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The answer is padlock.

Why is it bad luck if you smash a mirror?

This superstition dates back to the early Romans who believed a mirror had the power to confiscate part of your soul. Any distortion of your reflection, like breaking a mirror was believed to cause a corruption of your soul.

Why is it bad luck to break a mirror?

People used to believe that your reflection was really your soul. If you broke a mirror, you broke your soul as well. Note from PickledOnionGirl: That's why Vampires are believed to be invisible in a mirror. Vampires supposedly don't have souls.

What is the origin of breaking a mirror superstition?

enturies ago, people believed that a person's image in a mirror was actually a reflection of the person's soul (much like the way Native Americans felt that a photograph stole part of their soul and why they resisted being photographed). Further, this is why vampires can't see themselves in the mirror--they have no soul. Anyway, believing that their soul was in the mirror, breaking a mirror meant that a part of the soul would not be able to reunite with the body. Obviously, without a portion of the soul, a person would be in for some bad luck. The seven years thing comes from the Romans. They believed that a person's health and fortune changed every seven years.

Where did the superstition of breaking glass bad luck come from?

It is believed that a mirror is the window to the soul, and when you step in front of one you have put your soul inside. With this "logic" it was believed when you broke the mirror you broke your soul ad it takes seven years to repair it.

What do you do with a soul gem once you have trapped a soul in it in oblivion?

You can use it to enchant an item, or use it to recharge an item that is running low on power.

Why was it bad luck to break a mirror?

If you believe in luck you would think breaking a mirror is bad luck. But most people agree that breaking a mirror is not true. There are other crazy things that people say about bad luck. Like opening an umbrella in a house, putting your shoes on the table, walking past a black cat and walking under a ladder is all bad luck. These are all myths. And not many people believe in all of this. So no, it is not true that breaking a mirror is bad luck.