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Even though changing someone isn't recommended, if you are sure you want to here is how. I used to be emo in Middle School and High School, and I know that it is really hard to change one. So here is how:

1. Show the emo that life is better than it seems. Show him/her how much you care about them. This reduces the chance of suicide for them.

2. Emo's love their music. Now that does have a MAJOR contribution to how they act, dress, etc. I don't recommend changing their music styles, because it usually won't work and it could anger some emo's (Especially since emo's are very sensitive). But if you want to then the best way is to show them other genres of music. They might get addicted to one, you never know.

3. This is one of the worst ideas, but you can tell them how scary they are being to other people. This probably won't work at all, because most emo's don't care what other people think of them.

Hope this helps! Again I don't recommend changing an emo, mostly because they might be offended (and it might not even work).


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13y ago
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12y ago

you can't because that is classed as a controlling relationship. If your boyfriend is becoming emo, then let him, emo people express themselves better than any over label. I f you don't like it then you shouldn't be together. Emo people are very sensitive but won't take peoples crap, i should know i am emo. Juat let him be who he wants to be and don't try and change him because emo is a phase that many people go through when they are having a hard time.

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15y ago

Give him a little tap round the face and say" Hey wassup? You look kinda down"


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14y ago

give them razor blades then they will be happy.

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Q: How do you help an emo friend?
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How do you help a emo friend?

---------ask them why they are being so depressed/"emo". it could be for different reasons. once you've figured that out, try to help that problem. if they don't relize theyre emo then try to help them see that they are. You could show them photos of themselves before they became emo and show them how they've changed. the music isn't what influenced them probabley, though so you shouldn't have to take it away just for them to stop being emo. most likely there's a bigger poblem [ex: parents, school, life, etc]. i hope that you can help them out!!

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actually. no. hearing this from someone who is emo will help a lot.(I'm emo)Iit does NOT mean your emo if you have an emo haircut.

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Emo is a genre of music.

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Where I live emo's are popular I have a emo friend I think there more fun and hiper but that doesn't mean they live a better life

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Tbh. Be honest

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Can people be fat?

yes u can be fat and still be emo ,I'm a little overweight and I'm emo so yes u can still be fat and be emo :}but most emo girls cant get a boy friend because emo boys like to make out with other emo boys.