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give them punishments like no dessert and if they are like a teenager you tell them no television, no going out with friends, and more .............. it works with me

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Q: How do you help people who do not throw garbage away and let it build up in their rooms?
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Related questions

What percent of people throw their garbage away?


Why people throw a garbage in the river?

Because they're weird!

How can littering happen?

when people throw their garbage anywhere they feel like

How you can solve garbage problem?

by warning the people who throw anywhere not in the proper trashcan...

What are some things people throw away in the garbage?

cottege cheese, popcorn, ????

Why do people tend to throw their gum on the ground?

people throw it on the floor mabye because there is no garbage can or they don't have anything to wrap it or there just plain lazy

How is littering created?

It is created by people, because people throw garbage anywhere and they really dont care

Use the word garbage in a sentence?

I throw the garbage in the trash.

How can you keep your land clean?

throw garbage in the right place which is the garbage bin .

How do I clean my car myself without paying someone to do it for me?

You can clean your car by yourself by cleaning out your garbage everyday. Keep a garbage bag in your car and throw the garbage in it as you get garbage. Then remove the bag everyday and throw it out and do the samething everyday.

What causes contamination?

contmination occurs in many ways the ash of the cars when people throw garbage etc...

What are the major environmental issues in the Philippines?

improper disposal of garbage and the lack of implementation of garbage disposal laws and the "kapabayaan" of the people themselves who throw garbage anywhere. yet the Philippines is still bless with plenty of resources