

How do you help your friend leave an abusive partner?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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bring in the police first,then if she doesn't leave,try spending more time with her as in,bring her to places that she can volunteer.when she learns how to give(love),she would know what to do next

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Q: How do you help your friend leave an abusive partner?
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seek help for your friend before it is to late. and you will regret it abuse can turn into murder be a friend seek help

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try to get help for that person but do it in steps if you think the person may be harmed if they leave the abusive person. call help lines for abused people. get help before it is to late. something may happen that can't be reversed. i have a friend that was in a abusive relationship and her boyfriend almost killed her so please help that person before it is to late. i beg you

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You reach out for help, and you go.

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If you are in an abusive relationship you really must leave. Do you have a friend who could give you moral support at this very difficult time? Get the help of community services. They are funded by donors & by taxes. Women's services, First call for help, etc. They are experts in the field, and they have the answers you need. Every police officer has these phone numbers. You can ask an officer for a phone number.

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This is just another part of his abuse. He knows your friend has been supportive to you and he does not want her around or you to have anything to do with her. He has no right to tell you who you can speak to. He should be nicely told you will speak to her. If that will cause him to be abusive, maybe getting help to leave him would be the best bet. If he has been abusive so many times before, he will be again. You may not have your friend to help you next time. Good luck.

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Call the police or call a hotline, There are people in this world who are here to help.