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You have to be in possesion of an J-tagged xbox

its a modefied xbox capable of modding games, hacking and hosting a mw2 lobby

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Q: How do you host a 10th prestige glitch lobby for xbox 360 in modern warfare 2?
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For hacked lobby my fc is 133366403983

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How do you get into a tenth prestige lobby on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

Have someone invite you to one.

How do you start a prestige lobby in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

lol i play MW2 and i joined a prestige lobby...most kids that know how to do it wont tell you. but good luck trying to find out

How do you unlock weapons in call of duty modern warfare 2 without going through ranks?

Get into a Tenth Prestige lobby or pick it up off the ground

How do you get the super jump for modern warfare?

you have to get in a modded lobby

How do you get first prestige for modern warfare 2?

To get to the first prestige in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you must reach level 70 on online multiplayer, then complete the XP for Level 70, then go to the Baracks in the lobby and there will be for choices that you will be able to select. Challenges, Accolades, Leaderboards and Prestige Mode. Select Prestige Mode and keep pressing to appropriate choice until you have prestige, you should have a new badge next to your name and should by Level 1 again. Hope this helped. :)

How do you get to 10 presige easy on modern warfare 2 xbox?

Get into a 10th prestige lobby usually accessed by paying Microsoft points or paypal. To find someone who hosts a lobby, send a message to all friends and recent players, or play and you might get a message sent to you, inviting you to a lobby.

How do you glitch to tenth prestige on modern warfare 2?

To get to prestige on call of duty 5, you must reach level 65 online, gain a further one level then choose the prestige option in the barracks.

How do you get into a hacked lobby on modern warfare 3?

Modern Warfare 3 hasn't been hacked yet. Wait a couple of years.

How do you make a challenge lobby on call of duty modern warfare 2?

get a lobby and challendge it to a duel, if you happen to beat the lobby you just have created a challedge lobby

Is anyone hosting a Modern Warfare 2 tenth prestige lobby around February?

They (Infinity Ward) are thinking about doing something about 10th prestiges or people that host them so I would be careful about doing this.