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Hunting Crocodiles Procedures

1.) Get all the stuffs ready like guns.

2.) Put all the stuffs in the box.

3.) Put the box in the car.

4.) Drive the car and find a wild river.

5.) When you find a wild river, get the box and stuffs out.

6.) Search for crocodiles.

7.) When you see a crocodile, aim the gun and shoot at them.

8.) Get the fishing rod and pull the crocodile.

9.) Make sure the crocodile is dead, or else it'll be dangerous.

10.) Put the crocodile on the truck.

11.) Bring the crocodile to the community.

12.) Butcher the crocodile by removing scutes and bone to a filet.

13.) BBQ or cook the crocodile.

14.) Eat the crocodile's meat.

Special Notes

5.) Crocodiles doesn't live in any rivers, they only live in wild rivers.

7.) You need to shoot at crocodiles quickly before it goes underwater.

9.) If the crocodile is still alive, shoot at them again.

10.) If you see a vulture around, do it quickly.

12.) There are many steps to butchering.

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no they sleep in the day and do their hunting at night

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Peolple hunt crocodiles because they kill humans and because their skin is so silky, rare, and very very valuable and ive also heard it is very comfy and warm to wear. Does That Answer Your Question.

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