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Propably a rat or mouse. There is tons of pet rat/mouse care on Google. We brought it to a pet shop and discovered they were moles. We bought a mother mouse to try feeding them but instead she ate them all.

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Q: How do you identify a baby rodent and what do you feed it My 3 year old was playing and found a family of rodents with tails about 14 their body size. They are black on top white-pink below?
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Are chinchillas considered rodents?

Chinchillas are crepuscular rodents. They are called a rodent but are part of the family chinchillidae.

What family is the hamster in?

No...its not

What family does the rabbit belong?

No, hamsters are rodents. Rabbits are not.

Are hamsters a member of the pig family?

No, they're rodents.

What rodent is the hamster related to?

Rodents are a family, so hamsters as members of that family are realted to all other rodents such as mice, rats, ferrets, guinea pigs etc.

Are lemmings a reptile?

Yes. Lemmings are in the family of mammals known as rodents. The family name is Rodentia.

What rodents look like a cross between a deer and a rabbit?

There is a mythical animal called a jackalope that had the body of a rabbit and the antlers of a deer.

What kind of impact does an owl family have on the surrounding populations of rodents and brids?

Owls eat rodents and are used in fields to keep the population down.