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In order to find whether a character in a string is in uppercase or not, you need to use the ascii\unicode values of the character.

You may want to use the following code--

String str="Your Sample String Here"; //(say you have this string)

int l=str.length();

for(int i=0;i<l;i++)


char ch=str.charAt(i);


//Since the values of block letters in ASCII are from 65 to 90



//This program basically prints out the block letters, but you can modify it as you like, by changing the statement after 'if' as you want

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Q: How do you identify the character in a string is uppercase?
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In Java you can invoke the toUpperCase()method on a string to convert it to a new string with all upper case characters.For example, "abc".toUpperCase() returns "ABC"Likewise, the static Character.toUpperCase(char ch) method takes a single character and returns the upper-case equivalent of that character (e.g. 'a' -> 'A').

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