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Assuming that you want to uppercase only the vowels in a String, you can write a loop to go through all the chracters in a String and when a character is a vowel you can convert it to uppercase. I think one way to do this is as follows:

String originalString = "aobxkijejku";

StringBuffer buffer = newStringBuffer(originalString);

for(int i = 0, len = originalString.length(); i < len; i++){

if(buffer.charAt(i) 'u'){

buffer.setCharAt(i, 'U');



String modifiedString = buffer.toString();

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Q: How to Uppercase the all vowels in Java?
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If you mean Java, you can get the documentation for the Integer class (with an uppercase "I") here:

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Use text-editor notepad++

How to convert lowercase to uppercase in java?

In Java you can invoke the toUpperCase()method on a string to convert it to a new string with all upper case characters.For example, "abc".toUpperCase() returns "ABC"Likewise, the static Character.toUpperCase(char ch) method takes a single character and returns the upper-case equivalent of that character (e.g. 'a' -> 'A').

Is there a 7 letter word with all vowels?

There are no common English words consisting of all vowels. Although A,E, I, O, and U are always vowels, Y and W can be used as vowels (e.g. Welsh). However, there are no instances where they are used as vowels along with only other vowels.Sequoia is a word using all of the vowels but not consisting of only vowels.

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