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Apply Immigrant VISA in the Philippines or the Philippine consulate abroad.

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Q: How do you imigrate to the Philippines?
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When did Charles atlas imigrate to the us?

When he was a teenager.

Could you imigrate to Australia as a electrician?

Of can't.

Can you travel if you owe the government money?

yes, as long as you don't imigrate.

Who was the first person to imigrate from Ireland to America?

St. Brendan is thought to be the first Irishman to reach the American continent.

Why Chinese imigrate to America instead of japan?

The Chinese came to America in 1849 during the California Gold Rush.

What are some recreational pastimes in Australia?

* the main pastimes of columbians in Australia is soccer Economic problems have led to imigrate to Colombians to Australia in the 1980's * the main pastimes of columbians in Australia is soccer Economic problems have led to imigrate to Colombians to Australia in the 1980's * the main pastimes of columbians in Australia is soccer Economic problems have led to imigrate to Colombians to Australia in the 1980's

Why peolpe imigrate?

variety of reasons for work and job opportunities for a better quality of life for a safer life for better educational opportunities

Did America turn away German Jews in 1941 as they tried to imigrate?

There were exceptions to every rule. During WW2, immigration was restricted.

Which people imigrate to Canada?

People Immigrate to Western Canada because of resources that meet their needs.

Who was the first woman to imigrate to Ireland?

That would have happened thousands of years ago, long before records were kept, so it would be impossible to answer the question.

What did Chinese paid to imigrate to America in the 1800?

No one will ever know, the wages varied from a lot to probably just barter (trade no money involved).