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You first need to find out why you have a low TLC before you try to determine treatment. It could be from a recent illness or infection, or perhaps from a low kcal/low protein diet.

In the meantime, make sure you are consuming the proper nutrition recommended for our age, weight and height.

Most healthy people should be consuming about 0.8 g of protein for every kg of body weight daily... and to find your total calorie needs, you can use this calculation (the Harris-Benedict Equation):

66 + (13.7 * your wt. in kg) + (5 * your ht in cm) - (6.8 * your age in yrs) = # kcals needed DAILY to maintain your BASAL METABOLIC RATE and your CURRENT WEIGHT... in other words, if you do nothing but sleep or lie around all day and want to stay the same weight.

Once you get that number, multiply it by an ACTIVITY FACTOR. This will probably range from 1.1-1.2 for little or no exercise but maybe some housework, to 1.9 or more for someone training several hours daily for the Olympics.

For moderate exercise and daily indoor/outdoor chores, etc, a good start is 1.3 or 1.4.

If, after eating a diet that I have just described for a couple weeks, you still have a low TLC, you should definitely get checked out.

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