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Q: How do you increase and decrease frictional force?
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What occurs when a force causes the speed of an object to decrease?

the frictional forces increase

How do you decrease velocity of a moving car?

You increase the frictional force by applying the brakes.

Is it possible for a frictional force to increase the mechanical energy of a system?

your question is not clear but fro what i could understand, i can tell you that frictional force always opposes motion of mechanical system ( so it would decrease the system's mechanical energy) therefore i can never increase it.

What happens to the magnitude of frictional force when two surfaces are pressed hard?

In my opinion , frictional force will increase

Frictional force will increase with increase in?

Friction increases as a function of velocity.

When do the frictional forces between two surfaces increase?

As they come into contact so tight friction would increase As roughness increases frictional force too increases.

How does weight and surface area affect the frictional force?

As mass increases Surfaces area increase so the gravitational force increase so the friction increase...............

What would not help decrease the frictional force when moving a heavy object?

Going abroad without your passport

Does a frictional force between two objects increase with a force between them?

if you are talking about contact force, then you are correct. but if you are talking about some other external force,then the answer will be no. because frictional force only depends on the contact force between any two objects.

Which frictional force is self adjusting force?

static frictional force

Is writing on a paper a frictional force or muscular force?

i am sure that it is not frictional force.....

Will the nuclear force increase or decrease as the protons increase in each element?

They will increase.