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You can install them the same way as all other hard drives to your laptop. You can put the CD into your laptop and install it or you can put in the USB cord and install it like that.

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Q: How do you install cheap external hard drives to your laptop?
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If it has USB ports, you can pick up external disc drives pretty cheap. You would just plug the external port into your USB, and go from there. Unless you downloaded a crack, which isn't technically legal even if your game is, you would need to have a CD drive to play the game each time as well.

Are cheap external hard drives also bad quality?

Not all cheap external Hard drives are also bad quality. It all depends on the brand and capacity of the drive. A Drive that has less storage can be cheaper but that doesn't mean it is of lower quality. Western Digital is a company that sales inexpensive hard drives that are good quality.

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You need a wireless internet card, you can get one installed into your laptop or get one that you just plug into a usb port. Internal cards are as cheap as 20 quid and external ones are around 40 quid for the cheapest ones. The external cards reception tends to be weaker than the internal cards ones, but its a lot more expensive to get a third party to install an internal card into a laptop.

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You can buy an external mouse and hook it up to your laptop, they can go as cheap as $5-$10 dollars for a mouse. Or if you dont want to haul around an external mouse, you can unscrew your laptop and buy a replacement mouse trackpad, the whole repair is about $50.00-$60.00

Can you buy a CD burner to install into a laptop computer?

Yes you can. You can buy a separate cd-burner for your laptop that plugs into your usb port. They are very cheap but you would have to be careful with them cause a simple fall can break them easy.

Does Fry's offer a cheap external hard drive?

Fry's is a great place to purchase thse external hard drives. They offer everything from 100 gigabytes to over several terabytes. The cheapest one can be bought for about 69.99 depending on location.

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What are the disadvantages to installing cheap laptop memory?

Using cheap laptop memory can result in a total shut down of your laptop. While it is a pretty cheap fix it can cost more to have it diagnosed at a repair shop.

Where can I find cheap flash drives?

There are many places that offer cheap prices on flash drives. Some websites that have good deals on flash drives are Usb-FlashDrive, Flashcoast, QuickTurnFlash, and Geeks.

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How long are cheap external hard drives designed to last?

Cheap external hard drives are designed to last around 3 years, but the life span varies greatly on how often it is used, and how well it is taken care of. If the hard drive is used infrequently and is powered down when not in use, it can easily last 5+ years. If the hard drive is used frequently, kept in less than ideal conditions (wet, cold, hot, etc.) then it might not even last a year.