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If they r not fighting through the fence try to get someone to help u hold 1 dog on a leash & u hold other leash let them sniff and play if needed separate and walk by each other until they r familiar with each other

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Q: How do you introduce your full grown Doberman and yorkie they have seen each other through the fence but im afraid the yorkie will get hurt they are both socialized but not with other dogs?
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I'm sorry.....but if Huskies are your favorite dog.I have to say Dobermans are strong and muscular.They'll start a fight whenever.That's why some people are afraid of them.Except me.Huskies are strong and mostly lovable.They don't really start fights & people AREN'T afraid of them.So, if you owned a Husky & your Doberman started a fight with your Husky.Your Husky would loose. He would be screaming and crying in pain.But,the pain would go away soon.I would feel bad if that happened but I'm just telling you the answer.So,yes.Dobermans ARE stronger than Huskies.

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