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first time you go to nimbus station, talk to the nimbus recruiter, then complete the tasks that the people at the faction areas (not the faction vendors) then when your done with all of that, talk to the recruiter again, then pick your faction! then talk to the recruiter at the faction area that is your NEW faction then pick your class!

(i recommend paradox assasin)

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you don't

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Q: How do you join a Lego universe faction on free play?
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Can you join a faction as a non member in Lego universe?


How many factions in Lego universe can you join at once?

I think you only be in 1 Faction at once.

Do you have to be a member to play Lego universe?

No, you do not. You can use free-to-play, But you can only be in avant gardens world. Cannot join a faction, hold more money, not much to do.

Where do you buy a gun in LEGO Universe?

On LEGO Universe if you join the Paradox faction and pick Space Maruder or if you join Venture Faction and pick Daredevil then you will get guns with unlimited shooting, or if you go to a Gnarled Forest vendor at the Pirate Camp then you can get a black gun that requires imagination to fire.

When does LEGO univerce come out?

Lego universe is already out! Join now for free at their website.

How do you get 15 parodox tokans in lego universe?

Paradox, and any other faction's tokens may be obtained once you as a member join a faction. Then by completing missions, acheivements, and even just killing bad guys you will earn Tokens. Some achievements can be completed on a free accont and reward with a bag of Faction tokens. These are genaric and are not yet specific to one Faction. To use these become a member join a faction and open up the bag to get that amount of tokens.

Can you play Lego Universe without downloading it?

Yes just click on join and just type in your user name and make up a password thanks

How do you join the LEGO universe?

Right now, LEGO universe is being tested by alpha testers like me. They will e-mail you if you are selected as a tester. You need an authentification code even if you are able to download it from a random site.

When you join Lego club do you get access to a free game?

no, but you get vip points and then you get it ,idiot

How do you accept a faction invite in Minecraft?

To answer a faction invite just do /f join <faction name>

How do you let someone join my faction?

/f invite PLAYERNAME if you want anyone to join your faction /f open

How do you leave factions on minecraft?

In factions, if someone sends you a /f invite, you will be able to do /f join <faction name>. If you try to join a faction without an invite it will not let you. When someone gives an invite it is sort of like 'opening the door' of the faction to you.