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Need to get into my doc asap. Hard thing is we were going back to Chicago (where we just moved from) to visit tomorrow for the weekend.

I get so worried about this contraction stuff. Im a really high risk pregnancy, and since moving I have been to a couple Perinatologists (high risk pregnancy doctors) but havent settled for sure with one yet. I need to get myself established with a doctor asap, as im in the danger point of my pregnancy.

Im 19 weeks along. After having a 24 weeker & 34 weeker (who we fought to death to keep in from 24 weeks on), im a bit worried. The contractions are getting so strong they have me stopping what im doing to breath through them and wait for the tightness to subside & the contraction to go away.

I am sure hoping and praying I can get help asap and get to the doctor/hospital. This LO Needs to stay in a LOT longer.. or atleast, to the viable point where he has a chance to live (which would be about 25 weeks). I want to make it a lot further than that, but right now my biggest hurdle is just getting to the point where the baby can live if born. After being on bedrest all of December after almost miscarrying this baby boy, he stayed in there & proved to be a tough guy like his brothers are. I know hes meant to be and i want him to get a good start at life. Because, like my 25 weeker, i realized how sad it is to get a hard start at life- Hes 4 years old now and still struggling with a lot of things. Its been a hard road for him (and very hard for me). I don't want to experience that again.

Keep me in your thoughts. Ill keep you all updated. I might see my doc in Chicago while im there (the high risk doc ive had all along through my pregnancies and up until last month when we moved) if need be.

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