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If you are having mold, I suggest that you rinse your container in vinegar, then water. Fresh flowers will die, but usually the issue is that the container is not thoroughly clean. Another issue is that when you bring in the bloom, it is not dry prior to being arranged. Blooms which are packed into a vase too tightly will mold because the stem is not entirely dry and it creates a moisture pocket next to another stem. To prepare a container, thoroughly wash it, prepare a nutrient solution(see your local florist), and carefully inspect the flowers for damaged leaves, drooping petals, ect. Measure the stems and strip all foliage that will go beneath the water line. Then cut the stem at an angle and insert the flower into the container. Replace the water every three days for maximum life, and remove dead blooms and stems.

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Q: How do you keep cut flowers from getting moldy when on display inside the house I have allergies but I love flowers?
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