

How do you keep from stealing your friends girl?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Well first you need to evaluate your relationship with the friend who's girl your interested in. If he/she is a close friend you need to think about weighing your options with being with this girl. Is she really worth ruining a friendship over? And if you are already talking to this girl behind your friends back, then obviously if you were with her their is a pretty big chance that she will end up doing it again with another guy once she is with you. But hey love is love and you can't help your feelings. Yet, if you are trying to maintain the relationship you have with your friend, then cut off communication with the girl and only hang out when she isn't around so you aren't tempted.... And if you have an urge then stalk her Facebook or whatever because that can't hurt anyone and keep you and your friend still friends.... Hope everything works out for ya!

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