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Without animal testing, humans would have a greater risk of dying if expirementing with products that people have no idea whether it is harmful or harmless. Personally I don't agree with animal testing, but what other choice do we have?

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Q: How do you know animal testing is for a good cause?
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Who thinks animal testing is bad?

I for one think that animal testing is horrible. The animals have know idea what chemicals are in there that can cause them to die! =(

Does covergirl like to do animal testing?

i dont know. however, i know that they still do animal testing.:(

Is there testing in animal shelters?

no not that i know of

Does animal electricity testing kill animals?

hehe... honestly i do not know but i think so cause we die if electric shock

Why is animal testing good for humans?

it's good because it means humans don't suffer and it will benfit us for years as due to animal testing we have learnt more about illness and we know how to cure them. also you dont have to ask for the animals permisson to use them.

What are Islam views towards animal testing?

As far as I know Islam does not mention anything regarding testing on animals.

What are the social implications of animal testing?

we don't know we are still trying to find out.

What year did animal testing start?

Well the world doesn't know what exact date animal testing started, but it goes back as far as three-hundred forty something BC.

How else would you know if a product is safe without animal testing?

If an animal didn't react to whatever people were testing it on negatively, it doesn't mean it won't effect humans negatively.

What are arguments for and against testing on animals?

Some of the arguments for are that it saves human lives, humans are superior to animals and the animals do not know that its happening. Some of the arguments against animal testing are its cruel to animals, animals have rights as well, you should treat animals the same as humans and theres alternatives out there to animal testing. On one side you have the for the other against. The opposing position against probably says it is nessacary for the animal testing because animals are about the same as humans. On the against position animal testing is wrong because it can cause the animal deadly pain and diseases. But I think there should be a human in the place of an animal because animals have feelings.

What is procedure on testing make up on animals?

I do no know but I think it wil matter on the animal.

Who was the first person to start animal testing?

galen also know as the cookie of vivisection