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Maine Coon cats are a specific breed of cat, with very specific characteristics. Classically, the Maine Coon cat will have long hair, a ringed tail like a raccoon, and will be generally somewhat smaller than the normal domestic cat.

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Which type of cat pet is the biggest?

The Maincoon.

Why is my maincoon cat so hyper?

Your main coon cat is so hyper because it is ticked off.

Is there a larger domestic cat than the Maine Coon?

Yes, in fact, while Main coons are one of the largest, a Savannah cat is by far larger then a maincoon, however, because Savannah cats have a very close relation to the several, a wild African cat, they are illegal in somestates.

How many feet are full grown Maine coons?

our full grown male maincoon was 54 inches long. he was pink in color.

What is the genes of cat?

I can not answer that. i have to know what cat you are talking about.

How does a cat know how to hunt mice?

It is in the cat's instinct to hunt... it is buried within the cat... so even if the cat wasn't born in the wild he/she will know how to do it :))

Does the glowing color of cat eyes differ House cat vs Bob Cat vs leopard?

you know you you know

Are maine coon cats good mousers?

Yes, maincoon cats make good mousers, cause they came over on ships that were invested with mice..

What species of domestic cats grow the largest?

I would have to say a Maincoon. From what I've heard, they are closely related to the lynx, and they can be the size of a medium-sized dog.

What is the average lifespan of a maincoon cat?

A Maine Coon can live for 9 - 15 years.9 to 15 years

What do cats have that no other animal has?

The myth/expression of nine lives, and their cat-ness. If you have or know a cat, you know what kind of cat-ness they have.

Why it is important to know whether cat is male or female?

Well you would like to know that because you want to know if the cat is going to get pregnant or get another cat pregnant....