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If the density is less dense than water then it will float

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6mo ago

If the density of a substance is less than the density of water (1 g/cm^3), then it is likely to float. If the density is greater than 1 g/cm^3, it will likely sink. However, the shape and size of the substance can also affect its buoyancy, so it's important to consider other factors as well.

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Q: How do you know if a substance will float on water if you only know its density?
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Why is density needed to know whether a substance will float or sink in water?

It's actually pretty easy. If the density of the substance is higher than the density of water, the object will sink. If the density of the substance is lower than the density of water, the object will float. Be aware though that various substances may have dissolved into the water, thus changing its density. For example, seawater has a different density than fresh water.

How will you know the density of a substance help you determine whether an object made from that material will float in water?

The density of water is roughly 1 gram/cm3. If the density of the substance is less than that, then a solid lump of it can float. Otherwise it can't, but you can form the lump into shapes that can float, just as plate steel is formed into the shape of cruise ship or an aircraft carrier.

How do you know if a product will float on water?

by its density.

Would 1.4 gmL sink or float in water?

As a general rule, anything that is more dense than the medium they are floating in will sink and things that are less dense than the medium will float. So, if you are looking into whether or not 0.85 g/ml will sink or float in water, which has a density of 1.0 g/ml, then the answer is it will float. The mechanism that will keep the object afloat is the bouancy of the medium. The force of bouancy is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.

How do you know the density of an object if it floats on water?

You do not. A metal ship, with density well above that of water, will float.

What two properties must you know to determin density?

Density is a measure of mass to volume. The density of water at 4C is 1 g/ml. So to determine density of a substance you need to know the mass and the volume. Any density higher than 1 will sink in water and any density lower than 1 will float.

How would you know if something would float on water?

Compare the density of the object in question to the density of water. If its density is less than water, it will float. For example, oak floats because its density is 0.7 g/cm³ and the density of water is 1 g/cm.If the density of an object is greater than water, it will sink.

How do you know whether something will float or sink?

It depends on the density of the solid, liquid, or gas. If the density is lower than water it will float. (Water's density is about 1). Also, if the volume of the solid, liquid, or gas is bigger than the mass then it will also float. It will sink if the solid, liquid, or gas's density is higher than water's density. :)

How do you know if an object will float or sink in fresh water?

It depends on the density of the object. If an object is denser than fresh water, it will sink. If it is less dense than the fresh water, it will float.

How do you arrange substances in increasing order if you know their density and which substance sinks or floats in various liquids?

Those with more density are placed last. Those with more density sink. Think, light things float because they are less dense than the water.

How do you know whether a substance has a greater density than water?

If it sinks in water then it has a higher density than water. If it floats on water surface then its density is less than water.

What is the Density of Water with volume of 18 Cm?

Assuming standard (pure, clean) water, and standard temperature and pressure,the density of any amount of water is always 1.In order to find the density of a substance, you don't need to know mass or volume.You only need to know what the substance is. That's the whole point of 'density'.