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People who are bulimic usually fit the general category of someone who has - on more than one occasion (usually at least 5 or so) - binged (eatedn excessive amounts of foods, usually unhealthy ones, in a relatively short amount of time) and then purged (laxative abuse, forced vomiting, ect.) in order to avoid gaining weight.

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Q: How do you know if im a bulimic. how many times do you have to throw up in order for you to be consider one?
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If you've made yourself sick three times are you bulimic?

no your not, if you do it on purpose you are though

Bulimic Why can't I throw up?

Yes! I am a 35 yo woman. I was bulimic in my early to late teens. I was able to stop. It takes MORE will power and self control to NOT purge than it does to actually do it. You should seek out support from friends and family or join a support group for eating disorders. With a lot of help and support, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, wanting to get healthy for yourself, you can overcome this disease. Good Luck!

How much does a bulimic throw up each time?

VomitingIt depends on the amount of food that they ate and how many times (or how) they try to vomit it up. They will throw up until there's nothing left to throw up.Added:The initial answer wasn't wrong but it can vary, some bulimics will throw up until they are satisfied with the amount they throw up.Science conscious bulimics know that your body needs a certain amount of intake for the body to properly function and not go into (basically) hibernation. So if they consume 2000 calories and they know that the body needs less than that (I'm not doing all the math for you), they'll throw up the excess amount.But to answer the initial question to the best of my personal ability, I can vomit 30-40oz in about a minute without a problem.

If you throw up after dinner about three-five times a week but not after every time you eat and you're still fat around 184 pounds fat does this still mean you're bulimic?

bulimia nervosa isn't a weight catergory. you can be 235lbs and be diagnosed with bulimia... its a mental thinng that has physical symptoms. Its not just about throwing up. its the thoughts running through your head whilst your at it. anyone could eat a dinner and then immitate ones behaviour and be sick. that's not bulimic . a bulimic purges because of an intense fear of gaining weight and a persistant dream of losing weight. when eaten a bulimic feels an overwhelming feeling of guilt inside that he/she cannot cope with and desposes of it by actions on the outside ( purging).bulimia is not an affective weight loss method or fad diet it is a illness and dangerous. it is highly addictive and i don't recommend it. i was diagnosed 3 years ago....maybe 4 ... time just flys by when your not really in it....

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5 + 11 11 + 5 7 + 9 9 + 7 So 4 ways if you are allowed to throw each die only once. But the question did not state that assumption; so the additional ways are: Throw die #1 16 times and get 1 each time. Throw die #2 16 times and get 1 each time. Throw die # 1 13 times and get 1 13 times and 3 once. Throw die # 2 13 times and get 1 13 times and 3 once. Throw die #1 13 times and get 1 each time, then throw die # 2 once and get 3. Throw die #1 12 times and get 1 each time, then throw die #2 once and get 3, then throw die #1 again and get another 1. You get the idea, figure out the rest yourself.

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Taking out some of logistics of how order is determined and how they're throw. If you were to randomly pick a letter from the alphabet 26 times in a row, the chances are 1 out of 6.15611958 x 1036 that they would be in order. So pretty slim.

Do you gain weight fast eating normally after being bulimic?

If being bulimic made you underweight, you should have a stronger than usual appetite and will quickly revert to what your regular weight would have been. After any weight-diminishing sickness, appetite picks up and one can gain weight at up to four times one's normal rate of growth.

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The word 'consider' appears 57 times in the King James version of the Bible.

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It depends on how many times you throw it! On a single throw, the answer is 0.5