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Well fist of all u will know this if it spreads around quickly and let's say u walk by other people and they r talking around the gossip the will either look at u and laugh or just stare

Why do people do that??

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When will we know who Gossip Girl is?

The identity of Gossip Girl is revealed in the final episode.

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First of all...try to stop it...if you know that gossip is wrong and you don't wanna be talked the one who prevents it.

Can gossip cause depression or other health problems?

Gossip can definitely cause depression, especially if its about someone you know and like, or if its about you. If its bad gossip it can cause insecurity and make people feel bad about themselves. If a lot of people know about it, it could cause major problems if you know its not true but everyone else doesnt believe you.

What date is Gossip Girl season 3 going to continue?

urm...........i am a really big fan of gossip girl and i want to know aswell. all i do know is that it starts in march, but what day????? i dunno :'''(

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where has she been, Serena? And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. Xoxo... Gossip Girl well i think it is. why isn't she answering? and who am i? that's one secret I'll never tell. you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl

Who wrote Gossip Girl?

The gossip girl book i have is the first one and was written by:cecily von ziegesar. Its a really good book! i dont know if that helps?

Who does the voice of gossip girl in gossip girl?

Kristen Bell. You might know her from Veronica Mars or Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Who is Gossip Girl in the show Gossip Girl?

Gossip girls voice is done by Kristen Bell. The producers are deciding if they should let her be seen on gossip girl or not.

Do Moms Gossip?

(I'm from england north-east so I say mam) All mam's gossip, some do it everyday, some once in a while and others gossip and don't even know it, it really depends on the mam, it really just depends

What would you call a person who gossips?

A person who engages in gossip cannot be trusted with private information, so I would'nt tell anything to a gossip that I didn't want the world to know about.

What is the genre of the novel You Know You Love Me- Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar?

drama and romance