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Kosher for Pesach (Passover) food is marked as such on the package label. Markings include a P incorporated into the hechsher, the words 'Kosher for Passover' in English, and 'Kasher l'Pesach' 'כשר לפסח' in Hebrew.

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Q: How do you know if kosher foods are Passover approved?
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What are the restrictions for tourists during Passover?

I don't know about restrictions, but some Jewish organizations have Glatt Kosher Passover and other tours for the Jewish Holidays.

Can Jewish people eat macoroni and cheese?

These days there are kosher for Passover pastas, usually made from potato. I don't know of any brand of mac and cheese that are certified kosher for Passover though.

At one time I was told that during Passover Coke changes their ingredients Does anyone know anything about this?

Yes, during the passover season the Cokes labeled "kosher for passover" have different ingredients. The regular coke uses sugar rather than corn syrup and the diet coke uses a specific type of aspartame that has been deemed "kosher for passover"

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It is possible to get tahini that is hechshered kosher l'Pesach. However, these products are kitniyot so the majority of Ashkenazi Jews would not eat it.

Can you eat marshmallow for Passover?

The answer depends on your religion. If you're Christian or Muslim, you're in the clear; there are no prohibitions on cornbread dressing during passover.For Jews, the answer depends on your particular outlook. The Torah has no proscription specifically against maize, it merely says that no leavened bread may be consumed during Passover. For Karaite Jews, who reject Talmudic law and only follow the Torah, that's all they need to know. Since the Torah does not mention corn, corn is fine.Most Jews, however, follow the Talmud, which is a body of laws created by rabbis, derived from the Torah. According to the Talmud, corn is a leavened grain, because it expands when moistened and cooked. Therefore, orthodox and conservative Jews cannot eat any sort of corn product during Passover, including cornbread dressing.Jewish Answer:Sephardi Jews can eat corn and items made with corn during Passover. Ashkenazi Jews do not eat corn during Passover. It has nothing to do with whether the person is orthodox or not.

Can shredded wheat cereal be eaten on Passover?

Whether you can eat shredded wheat cereal on Passover would depend on your degree of compliance with Hebrew law.While technically, shredded wheat has no leavening (something to make bread rise), more strict interpretations say that nothing should be consumed that contains grain or grain products, since we cannot know if a small amount of yeast may have accidentally been introduced into the grain.AnswerThe simple answer is, no. As Shredded Wheat is made from wheat, it is chametz and therefore cannot be eaten during Passover.Chametz refers to flour made from any of the 5 forbidden grains - wheat, barley, spelt, rye, and oats. In order to be kosher for passover, the grains have to be supervised from harvest to confirm they do not come into contact with water at any point. Then, once the grains are ground into flour and water is added, the product must be thoroughly cooked within 18 minutes. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the presence of yeast.There is no issue eating foods made from the 5 forbidden grains so long as the food is prepared following the laws of Passover kashrut. To make sure that we only eat foods suitable for Passover, all commercially processed foods must have a kosher for Passover certification.

When did God purify the unclean foods?

As far as I know, according to Kosher law God has not purified the unclean foods. I don't agree with any New Testament verses that God would purify anything He has deemed unclean.

What are the Feast?

I do know of one but not them all i know of Passover

Why do you eat ham on Easter?

Easter occurs about the same time as Passover. In the original Passover the Jews put lamb's blood on their doors, so the Angel of Death would pass them by. In the modern day Passover service, a lamb's bone is at the table to remember the original Passover. Lamb is served at Easter, because of it's nearness to Passover. Ham is also served because, most Christians do not observe Kosher laws, (which prohibit the eating of pork), and it's a cheap meat.

How do you know when Passover is about to come?

Passover always begins on the same date on the Hebrew calendar: the 14th of Nissan.

How can you know Kosher food in Swiss?

Around the world, commercially produced kosher food is certified as such. This means that kosher restaurants have a certificate of kashrut and grocery items will have symbols from kosher certification organisations.

Is Tyson meat kosher?

Nothing made by this company is kosher. If you want to know whats kosher look at the list on the rca's website. (rabbinic council of America.)