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The way you can tell if someone is on drugs is if they come to work and their hair looks a mess or if they get down on thae floor and start quivering.

That's not always true--quite a few drugs don't make someone lose interest in grooming or start quivering. There are four things that are almost always a giveaway:

1. Major changes in the person's social circle.

2. Unexplained changes in the person's financial situation.

3. Significant changes in behavior.

4. Changes in grooming, dress or appearance.

I know, I know, a drug addict is supposed to shun all his old friends, need a ton of money right now, start screwing up at work and look like a dirtbag. That's not always true. People with some level of intelligence who start using drugs might give outwardly positive changes. Someone who's been real reclusive all their life might become a social butterfly. A moderate-means person might suddenly have a LOT of money no one can determine the source of. They might change from being an average worker or student to a top performer, and a lady who's never shown any real interest in "girly" stuff might all of a sudden start dressing really well and wearing really elaborate hair and makeup styles. This is a camouflaging tactic--"If I become a great person outwardly no one will notice I've started shooting heroin."

Here's one I find weird: one of the ways to tell a meth addict is if they use a lot of hand motions during their communication. I guess I'm really in trouble--I have always talked with my hands.

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14y ago
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15y ago

there are so many ways. and there are so many ways of hiding it MARIJUANA- Slow thinking, Slow reflexes, Reduced coordination and concentration, Reduced motivation, Apathy, Dilated pupils, Blood shot or glassy eyes, Dryness of the mouth, Increased pulse rate, ICE (METHAMPHETAMINE)- Increased heart & breathing rate, Trembling hand and fingers, High blood pressure, Overheating and excessive sweating, Stomach cramps, Blurred vision, Bad headaches, Dizziness, Difficulty sleeping, Reduced appetite, Irritability and hostility, Hallucinations, Paranoia, Psychosis, Panic attacks, Out of control aggression, Itching, picking, scratching ECSTASY- Increased blood pressure and pulse rate, Raised body temperature, Sweating, Overheating, Jaw clenching, Teeth grinding, Nausea, Anxiety, Tremors, Insomnia, Dilated pupils COCAINE- Anxiety, Increased pulse rate, Dilated pupils, Paranoia, Agitation, Hallucinations HEROIN- Lethargy, Drowsiness, Nausea, Constipation, Constricted pupils, Slowed breathing GHB- Drowsiness, Induced sleep, Nausea, Reduced inhibitions, Dizziness, Headache, Confusion and agitation

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15y ago

Well, they are probably really positive and really happy, and you should probably leavethem alone unless they have scabs, in which case you should get that checked out.

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15y ago

You can tell by mood swings, changes in behavior, darkening of lips and or fingertips, and breath smell.

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7y ago

ask them nicely

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