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Q: How do you know if someone is septic?
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What does the word septic mean?

i dont know what septic means:D

Where can i find a septic system professional?

It is ALWAYS best to get a professional to do septic work because septic systems are very complex. Check the yellow pages for local folks to do it. And don't get someone who is unqualified or not certified to work septic systems because if they mess up, you might be unable to get your money back.

Why are leaking landfills and septic tanks a concern to people who use groundwater?

What comes out of the landfills and septic tanks goes into the water. I would rather not drink someone's sewage.

Who can we get to come out and clean and possible repair out septic tank?

I would like to help you but I do not know where you are located. There is a septic treatment product called Rid-x.

How do you unclog a vent pipe on a septic and well?

There is no single vent pipe on a septic and well. ( -Or if there is, someone has made a colossal and dangerous error. ) - If the vent on your septic is clogged, then your tank is way past it's time to be pumped out, and that MUST happen before you clean the vent.

Can someone tell me exactly what septic tank maintenance consist of?

The Department of Soil sciences website offers several articles on septic tank maintenance. Many homebuyers guides and websites also offer detailed explanations on septic tanks and their recommended maintenance.

How do you know if you have a septic tank problem?

when you wake up in the morning and everything from ur septic tank is laying in ur front yard. you might wanna get it fixed then!

Can I clean my own septic tank or is it better to hire someone?

Although there are a lot of products in the stores that say you can clean your own septic tank, it would be better to hire someone. It can be a dirty job and if you make a mistake, you will have an even bigger mess on your hands.

How do I know my septic system is in good working order?

A septic system professional can do a septic system evaluation. Some health departments and districts, usually for a fee, can provide this service. For further information, contact your local health department or district.

What are the different Septic tank types?

i only know one, its the imhoff tank.

What are the prefixes for septic?

The prefixes for septic are "sept-" and "septo-".

What does septic cnctd mean?

Probably septic connected.