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Pain, bad smell, smelly discharge, sometimes bleeding and fever etc.

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Q: How do you know if you have an infection after miscarriage?
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What causes an infection after miscarriage?

If there are remains it can cause an infection, along with other problems that may not be coming from the miscarriage. Best seek advice from your doctor.

If you think you had a miscarriage and didn't see a doctor will infection happen?

You can suffer from a infection .

How do you know you are done with a miscarriage at 7 weeks?

If you have a miscarriage usually your doctor or local ER will perform a d&c to remove whatever is left. you need one or you can get a bad infection which can lead to infertility

What if you have a miscarriage?

You should go see a doctor; if the miscarriage is incomplete or there are complications, you have infection & other medical issues to worry about.

Can miscarriage happen in three weeks and how would i know if it miscarriage?

Yes, you should see your doctor. The lining of your uterus will probably need to be cleaned by a surgeon. You could get infection and even blood poisoning if you do not seek medical attention.

Ive just had a miscarriage and have been put on doxycycline in cause of on infection can you still full pregnant?

Is doxycycline given to you when you have a miscarriage

Can you have a miscarriage while having chlamydia?

Miscarriage is a common problem in pregnancy. Chlamydia does not appear to increase the risk of miscarriage. However, it could happen with or without chlamydia infection.

How do you know if still have tissues inside after miscarriage?

You have to see a doctor after a miscarriage and he will know.

Is having smelly discharge normal after miscarriage?

You may have an infection. see a doctor.

What are the infections you will have after miscarriage?

You can have infection set in the remaining portion of the product of abortion. This is sort of the problematic infection. It is called as septic abortion.

Do doctors have surgery on you when you have a miscarriage?

Sometimes when the miscarriage isn't complete they will do a D&C to remove any tissue remaining and prevent / stop heavy bleeding or infection.

What if you don't know you miscarried should you see a doctor anyway?

Yes you should definitely see a doctor because the miscarriage may not be complete. When this occurs, there is a risk of serious infection.