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Time will tellThe N may interchange the women he relates to at alarming frequency... but never ever will he change himself. he can fake being nice for only so long. about 6 months tops. Then either she will leave him or she will loose herself to keep him. Trust me he is only with her to make himself look better. Status, money, sex or an ornament hanging off his arm. Either way you are better off without him. AnswerUnless someone is diagnosed with this by a professional then one may never know. Someone being egotistical, a perfections, selfish can certainly fit into the characteristics of being a narcissist, but it doesn't necessarily make them one.

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other disordersyes many other disorders and conditions can mimic Narcissism. Borderline and Anti-social personality disorders which are in the same "B cluster" of disorders outlined in the DSM. Also narcissists display traits of schizoid, obssesive-complsive and bipolar disorders. It is not unusual for a narcissist to have eating disorders or addictions to sex, gambling, drugs etc.. I do know a diagnosed sexual addict who is not a narcissist. He displayed considerable remorse over his problem and was empathatic to others and had normal social skills.

In any case, it is allways best to get a professional diagnoses if at all possible. Unfortuantely the very nature of many disorders preclude these individuals from seeking help in the first place... and thus obtain an accurate diagnoses. Many cases a victim of narcissism might obtain a "diagnoses" about the absent partner from their own therapist that they are likely dealing with a narcissist.

Sadly one does not usually recognize he/she has dealt with an N until after the damage has been done. The charm, lies, confabulations, manipulations, lies, deceit, cruelty, humiliation, lies, backstabbing, betrayal and all the lies. Oh, did i mention the lies?

(thank you, Marcy for all the spell checks)


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12y ago

You know because it's always always about them. They will do and say incredibly cruel things and never apologize. The entire friendship will be on their terms and if you don't like it, you have no leverage. They will end the relationship. There is no compromise, no consideration for your feelings. It's the most painful relationship you will ever be in because you will do all the giving and there will be little if anything n return for you. If you like being a martyr, a door mat, then stay. Hopefully, this so-called friendship will teach you about boundaries and self-respect and you will have the strength to get up, walk away, and never look back. You deserve much better, someone who will meet you at least 1/2 way. Good Luck in finding yourself because once you do, you will never tolerate this kind of abuse, again!!

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15y ago

A narcissist from what I read and I have read a lot has no self image. Is very shallow and surface all appearance and no substance. Appears haughty and confident but is really very insecure. Fears people will see how worthless they really are. Build false notions of themselves to impress but do nothing usually. They feel entitled to things without working for them just for being. Require special treatment. They want to be noticed, notorious. If have children often don't see them as individulas but how they can be of use or reflect on the Narc. Often serve as narc. supply that they must secure to feel adimred, alive. They usually have no real friends. Will get enraged at real or percieved rejection. Often are very different in private with loved ones then in public. Their image means everything and no one outside their cult will usually know how nasty they can be unless they get rejected or embarrased then it may come out in public. Family members cover up for their nastiness and are confused by the contradictory way they act with them alone and in public. They feign modesty, shyness to create a image at the time if it serves what effect they are trying to achieve. Don't talk about hopes, dreams, their feelings or others either for that matter. Everything is I, me. Will withhold affection to punish, control. Rarely ask about others or show emotions unless for effect. Can appear very cool under sad situations because they are so detached from feeling adn appear capable adn calm but it is theydon't feel sad.

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13y ago

They are such good liars you won't but most of them do cheat because they always need so much attention that one person can not possibly give them enough.

They all cheat. Narcissists need as much adulation and admiration as they can possibly get. One person (lover) is never enough. They are so dilusional they actually believe that because they think they are so wonderful they deserve more then one person at a time. They do not understand the meaning of the word monogamy.

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14y ago

there are some great checklists online that deal with how to spot a narcissist. Are you supported by someone or are you dealing with this alone? I would get in touch with a good clinical psych and go from there.Either way I would get out of there as fast as you can neither of them will bring you anything but pain. Please don't think you can help or change them. Get away before children come along if you can as it is a hundred times more painful and difficult. I speak from experience on that one.
all the best.

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Ehen he's more on love with himself than he is you.

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12y ago

If he likes Narwhals XD

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