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Symptoms of ectopic: It can be hard to tell if you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy because so many women don't even know they're pregnant at the time they would notice any symptoms of an ectopic. Some symptoms of tubal pregnancy such as a missed menstrual period and vaginal bleeding or spotting two weeks later are similar to the early signs of pregnancy. About 1 in 2 women who are experiencing a tubal pregnancy notice abdominal pain on one side or the other. 1 in 3 women feel light-headed and about 1 in 5 have shoulder pain on the same side as the stomach pain.

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no, they did ultrasound and cant tell one way or another. 6 wks along

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Q: How do you know if your miscarriage was uterine or ectopic?
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Is one ectopic pregnancy happend again it repeted or not?

Someone who had an ectopic pregnancy is at higher risk for another in the future, but many women go on to have a uterine pregnancy after ectopic.

What is the cause of ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is pregnancy outside uterine cavity.Causes are abortion,infections of genital tract,intra uterine contraceptive device etc.Many times there may not be any predisposing factors like these.

How are an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage different?

An ectopic pregnancy is when your baby develops in your fallopian tubes rather than your uterus. A miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion is your body's way of releasing your baby on its own if it senses that its not developing correctly.

What would a miscarriage be like with an ectopic pregnancy?

Well you have to speak wiht your doctor about that because if you are expierencing and ectopic pregnancy then, your fallopian tube might burst, so the doctor has to abort the pregnancy, and it would be like a regular miscarriage, heavy bleeding and cramping.

If during the scan you see the sac in the womb is it an ectopic pregnancy?

It is possible to see a uterine sac, called a pseudo sac, with an ectopic pregnancy, but most likely there will be nothing in the uterus.

What is an escopic pregnancy?

I assume you mean an ectopic? An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. Unfortunately the baby cannot survive and will either be removed or the mother will have a miscarriage.

Do tubal abortions from tubal pregnancies expell the embryo from the body like a miscarriage?

NO, a tubal pregnancy is an ectopic, extremely dangerous and you would need an operation to remove it. You would know if you had one as the pain is excruciating.

Can parsley tea cause a miscarriage?

Parsley is considered a uterine stimulant, which may lead to miscarriage.

Had vaginal us at 5weeks and 2days and the gestational sac is close to tube could this still be a viable pregnancy or could it be ectopic?

update.... had a miscarriage. :(

How do you know if still have tissues inside after miscarriage?

You have to see a doctor after a miscarriage and he will know.

What is utopic pregnancy?

You are probably thinking of an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy, also known as a tubal pregnancy, occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself on the outside of the uterine lining and the baby cannot survive because there is nothing to nurture and provide nutrients to the baby.

What are some causes of bleeding during pregnancy?

There are a variety of reasons that someone might start bleeding during pregnancy, such as implantation of the eggs in the uterus, miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, cervical changes, infection, placenta previa, placenta abruption, uterine rupture, vasa previa, or premature labor. There are also possibilities that the bleeding may be due to an injury to the cervix, polyps or even cancer.